Saturday, October 27, 2012

Thoughts on Detroit

This post is inspired by a comment I posted on a YouTube video about Detroit.

It's going to take time to rebuild Detroit. If you see potential & you love Detroit, stop saying you hate it. You're supporting & knocking an entire city at the same time.

I don't know if you grew up in Detroit/ever lived there but I have. I can't stand to hear people talk negatively like it's the only urban city that has problems (CHI/LA/DC hello?) & scare potential tourists away.

Why are people who haven't ever been to Detroit (and who have no intentions of visiting thanks to media portrayal and local/suburban word of mouth) talking trash and making social media accounts dedicated to the hatred of a struggling city?  Kick something while it's down, right?  How can you want a city to fail?  What did Detroit ever do to you?

It makes no sense to me. All that energy spent trying to knock Detroit down could be spent doing something positive to build it up.  I guess people just like to hate and be negative.  Maybe it's all they know.  Well, I grew up in the D and, unlike them, it's not all I know.

Shout out to anybody who supports Detroit.  I do.  So does Kettle Black.  If you want to help Detroit become the booming city and that mecca of music it once was, follow KBI on Twitter and like it on Facebook.

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50 Plates, 50 States

I always see out-of-state plates in Los Angeles.   I challenged myself to find all 50. The Consul, Mexico, and Ontario plates were bonuses.